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  • renegadesd

"If it excites you.....

and if it scares you-that means you should most likely do it."

Seems like a little bit of a crazy concept. Jump into doing something that scares you. Yet "the Lord is on my side-I will not fear. Psalm 118:6"

So therefore with God on my side, my family supporting me, my amazing husband willing to help and all of you amazing clients behind me I am doing something BIG in 2019.

Maybe you have already seen the big news on the Facebook page-that's where all the big news is announced first (I suggest you go to Facebook and hit that like button now so you don't miss out next time!

It makes me so happy to see my dream out my front window each morning...

That's right-Renegade Photography officially has a home to work from (in the making!) I was scrolling through Facebook one day and saw this beautiful one room schoolhouse on my feed. I instantly messaged the seller (the most amazing woman ever!) with hopes it was still available. After multiple messages, lots of patience and some awesome help I got a date set to get her loaded up and moved to Willow Lake.

1/2 of the moving crew. These two loaded it up and brought it home for me!

It was a pretty nerve wracking day for me (I wasn't even apart of the move until they got back to Willow!) as I waited for messages and updates on the move. The building was located in White Lake, SD and it had froze a time or two before we could get the move started. With God's grace and the brains of my husband and father in law it was loaded and ready for the road trip to Willow.

The final step-talk about nerve-wracking!

The building is now set in it's forever home and awaiting nice weather so we can start the interior remodel. The dream is to add a front porch and landscaping around the studio for additional session backdrop options. With this I plan to have more mini sessions offered to my clients!

Keep and eye on the Facebook page to see the transformations!

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